Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 Tips To Boost Your Resume

Looking for résumé help? This may help you!
  • Join a club
    • Yes, okay, I’m sure this has been said over and over again to you: Join. A. Club. Clubs are an easy way to get leadership experience, and they almost always will offer opportunities to you. 
    • Pretty much all clubs, even the ones with many members, need someone to step up and take responsibility. Most clubs have high membership right off the bat, leading each semester with a lot of members, and then struggling for involvement toward the end. Stick it out. After a semester or two, inquire about a leadership position, and then make sure you work hard at it. It’s just as valuable as a job, and often gives you more relevant experience.
  • Get a job (Yes, even a student-worker position)
    • Even though you may start as just a desk assistant, tutor, or dishwasher, you can easily move up the food chain with these sort of things. You can start low as a student worker, and get higher into more corporate-like positions (Résumé boost!!).
  • Volunteer
    • If you volunteer, you likely won’t be turned away. Also, you’ll be doing something that allows potential employers to see your philanthropic and caring side. Volunteering is not only easy, it impacts so many aspects of your life and the life of others. 
  • Showcase projects you’ve accomplished or are proud of 
    • Especially if you don’t have a whole lot of work experience, use projects that you’ve done (professionally, personally, or in your education). These projects show how hard you work, and give the employer of your passions and quality of work. These can be especially helpful in interviews, or maybe, a cool project may just stick in their mind and make you more recognizable. Even relevent course work can be a resume filler!
  • Tailor your résumé to the job
    • Every single person to give you tips on a résumé has probably told you this. Look at buzz-words in the job description, and fit those into your résumé so that a computer won’t automatically take you out of the running for a job you’re totally qualified for. 
    • Make sure you put your most relevant experience on your résumé! If you worked in PR 3 years ago, and you’re applying for a PR job now, put the relevant experience on your résumé! Regardless of what you’ve been doing between now and then (Don’t forget the rest of your résumé, just find a place to fit it in!)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Why I chose the iPhone 7

Many people don’t like the iPhone 7. Here’s why I do.

Maybe I’m just following the bandwagon or the latest trend, but I have been highly anticipating the iPhone 7 release. 

If you read this blog, you’ll know I’m a bit obsessive in my research. I discovered that pretty much everyone who had speculated the design of the upcoming iPhone predicted 2 things: no headphone jack, water resistance. At least I was prepared for the news.

The first reason I chose to get the iPhone 7 was because of the water resistance. I, like many of you (unless you’re all amazing super humans, which I guess is possible) have dropped an electronic device in the toilet. I just forgot it was in my pocket, and there it ended up, in the bottom of the bowl. So the insurance of having a water resistant phone is a HUGE relief.

The second reason I chose to get the iPhone 7 was because I wanted to see if the design of the 6 was tested and true, primarily the size. I really loved the size of the iPhone 5. However, I’ve seen a lot of positive response to the bigger size phones and I’m ready to give it a try. Since the 7 has the same dimensions at the 6, I figure that I’ll take the risk. 

The third reason I chose to get the iPhone 7 is because of the battery life. I am so tired of having to charge my phone more than once a day! I just want to be able to charge it at night, and have it last me until the next night. 

The fourth reason I chose to get the iPhone 7 is because I really NEED a new phone. My current phone doesn’t have a home button because it broke off, the glass is not just cracked, it is falling out in chunks. If you guys really want, I’ll post a picture, but to be honest, I’m pretty ashamed of the current state of my phone. So, if you want to see the mess that my current phone is, comment below!

Finally, the reason that I’m choosing the iPhone 7 is because I like that there’s no headphone jack. I know people probably disagree with me, but that’s fine. I think that the wires from traditional headphones are annoying and get in the way. I’m excited to get my Bluetooth headphones and to be able to have my phone anywhere and not have it all be a pain.

Comment your thoughts on the iPhone 7 below! What do you like about it? What don’t you like?

P.S. My phone just came in! I'll do an unboxing post soon!

screaming IN ALL CAPS

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Things To Do In College

Things to do in college:

No matter where we are, there will always be that nagging thought that “there’s nothing to do” or “I’m so bored”. I know that I am definitely guilty of this, especially being on a college campus away from what I’m used to, I just really know what to do.

I’ve found that by doing these things, I have so many opportunities that I’m always on my next adventure!


Your school definitely has a lot of activities to keep students busy, but not all of those are advertised. Keep a close eye on your college’s campus events page. 

Since I go to Arizona State University, I’ll use the ASU events page as an example. 

Just search your college and events. So, for example, I just type into google “ASU events”

Usually, your college’s official events page pops up.

ASU’s looks like this: 

Then, if you continue to use the only thing that keeps me going (Google), and you just search through the first page of results (no one ever goes to the second page of results, and if you do, I’m amazed at your commitment), then you should find something campus-related near you. 

A lot of times, your school will host concerts, art galleries, movie nights, carnivals, and just general fun events to go to!


Your local fitness center likely has lots of promotional classes that you can take. Taking a class in a fitness environment really helps you discover new things.

I did this recently by attending a Sunday morning wake up Yoga and I was AMAZED! I loved it! Plus, through the ASU Fitness Center, the class was free, and I was around people of my own age range. 

You can probably find these events and classes either in your gym or on their website. Don’t be afraid to ask staff for advice on upcoming or current events!

This is a great thing that you can do by yourself or with a friend.

If you’re like me, this is also a good way to tell yourself that you’re being fit, even if you only go once a week. 


This one is really simple, but, just look around! Simply just by taking a walk around where you live or going on a hike, trying a new restaurant, shopping at a new store, or even just trying to get to the top of the tallest buildings on campus, you can find awesome new things!

Fun fact: did you know that ASU has a hidden courtyard that you have to go through an underground tunnel-like thing to get to? I didn’t either until I just went around exploring!


A night with friends is never a night wasted. Even if it’s just sitting down and talking, you’ll surely get something out of it. 

Plus, if you’re indecisive like me, you can make them decide what to do! (win-win)

You’ll cherish the memories, and cure yourself of that wretched boredom while making great relationships!

Don’t forget to put your schoolwork first, but if you’re bored, take the opportunity to try new things.

screaming IN ALL CAPS

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Why I Started a Blog

So I figured that I should let everyone who may or may not be following this blog’s progress know why it was even created!

screaming IN ALL CAPS was born because I’m a bit obsessive.

I love planning things, I love searching Pinterest for inspiration, and I absolutely love putting all my plans in action and watching them play out.

I spent hours planning exactly how I was going to decorate my dorm in a way that had my style, and fit in my budget. All in all, after hours of research and Pinspiration,  I think I only spent about $100 in total with my complete dorm decoration. 

I’m not even engaged and I already have my entire dream wedding planned out for (hypothetically☺) less than $1500 as well. (I’ll make a post about what I want and have planned out, just in case anyone who is a little closer to it than me can have my information and research. We gotta help each other out!)

The real catalyst to my blog adventure was some free fonts I found on Pinterest. I started making cute edited photos and text with cursive and block text and the dream was born.

I chose the name because one of the fonts was called “screaming in color.” I really liked that, but, as you may guess, it was taken. 

Then I started experimenting with upper case v. lower case in these edited photos and it hit me. 

I am constantly typing my text messages in all caps to show my enthusiasm, so I figured that I could bring that here as well. 

That day, 
screaming IN ALL CAPS 

was born.

Follow screaming IN ALL CAPS!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

6 Tips to Prepare You For College

College is a big commitment, and it's important to succeed. However, so many college students have trouble adjusting to the workload and the environment, that they simply  don’t thrive in their first semesters of college. 

I see so many people really have a hard time because they couldn’t find a document that they left on their dresser, or they can’t adjust to the new responsibilities. Don’t let yourself get left behind. 

A lot of the struggling that students deal with comes from not being prepared, so here are my tips for preparing for college!


I know, it’s not exactly what you may want to do, but I’m not talking about classic literature. Read anything, current news, long-form journalism, current books, ANYTHING. 

One of the most essential skills you need is reading comprehension. A lot of the workload you’ll receive comes from reading a few chapters from your textbook a night and being able to retain that information. 

If you have discussion classes, chances are you need to read what you’ll be discussing first. 

The more you read, the better you’ll get at it. Read as much material as you can, soon enough, you’ll be able to read a 30 page chapter in 20 minutes with full comprehension.


Trust me. Being in college means having to do lots of things like clubs, sports, and work ON TOP of your academics and social life. Putting a lot on you plate now will help you be able to manage your time better in school. 

Time management is something that is much easier to learn by doing. Sure, you might feel like you’re drowning sometimes because you haven’t slept in three days and you still have two essays to write, but, just consider it part of the learning process.

Putting a lot on your plate also makes you manage your money better too. Allocate funds towards priorities, try to save a little, and remember that a social life isn’t free. 


Another skill that is crucial in college is writing. You need to be able to effectively convey thoughts and ideas in your writing. 

Make your life easier, and don't get stuck on writing. College requires a lot of writing, especially essays. Master writing a thesis, master writing with detail, master citing your sources. 

You can really easily work on your writing skills by just writing a short journal everyday. Not necessarily a diary, but just a story, something that interests you, an idea. Just write something.


I’m sure you’re heard this before, but you have to be able to manage a lot of things at once in college. Your education will require effective notes, physical organization, and digital organization.

Your notes are your key to success in college. You will use them to study, you will use them to be able to actually understand the content better, and you’ll be able to use them for reference. Make sure they’re legible, but not too wordy, and that they get the point across in a way that you can understand. 

Your physical organization is more of keeping track where everything is. You don’t need to have an impeccable desk area, but you do need to have all your books, notes, papers, and things in a place where you can find them. 

Digital organization is more important now than it ever has been before. Your computer, or whatever drive you use, will let you create folders. USE THEM. I cannot stress this enough. Keep your school work separate from your other photos or documents. Don’t save everything to your desktop. Make sure the document is easy to find and edit. 


I made the mistake of taking AP Literature my senior year of high school when I could have taken English 101 and 102. It would have been fine, but my university does not accept AP Lit as credit, so I have to take the class I could have taken in high school. 

Chances are, your high school won’t charge you by the credit hour. Colleges do. Stock up on lots of college and AP credits, and make sure they’ll transfer!!!


Digital or print. Keep all your homework and work schedules and club meetings in one place. It makes it a million times easier to not let assignments fall through the cracks if you do this. 

Go through all your syllabuses and put in every single assignment and due dates through the rest of the semester. 

Planners make it easy to see tasks and to use your time to accomplish those before they're due. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How To: Decorate Your Dorm

Lets face it. You'll be spending a lot of time in your home away from home, and you want it to look nice. 

Let me just start by saying: DON'T BUY ALL YOUR STUFF IN THE SAME DAY. 

Space your purchases apart. That way, you dont have a $300 hole in your bank account all of a sudden, and you can find more eclectic and interesting pieces (often at better prices). 

Something that I've always found: SIMPLER IS BETTER.

Get your big pieces, and stick with a more simple pattern. 

For me, that meant picking a solid white comforer with a simple square stiching to be perfect. 
Plus, if that's the look your going for, it's a lot cheaper! I got my comfortor for $20 from TJ Maxx instead of paying $50+ for an elaborately patterned one. 
>> Side note, selfies on a white comfortor are better too. You gotta show yourself off, and white is the perfect background.

After I got my simple comfortor, it was easy for me to accessorize with cute pillows, patterned sheets, and throw blankets. 

Pretty much all of my stuff was in black, white, or grey, with a little bit of other color thrown in. 
This works out well for me, especially because everything looks cleaner, and it doesn't clash with my roomie's stuff. 

The next staple of my college experience: GO FOR COMFORT.

Splurge on an extra nice mattress pad and memory foam pillows, trust me, it's worth it. You spend a lot of time laying on your bed hanging out, sleeping, doing homework, or trying to sleep even though people in the hall won't shut up. 

No matter what, the extra padding makes a huge difference, and you deserve it. Also, bringing an extra lamp or two is great for having comfortable lighting for you AND your roomie. Treat Yo' Self to comfort.

You'll also need to: MAKE STORAGE ACCESSIBLE 

Storing winter clothes and extra hangers behind your dresser is great, until you need to get those cute boots or to hang up some of the free tee shirts you'll get (seriously, you'll get thousands). 

I've found that storing these things under my bed, but behind my dresser is a nice way to keep clutter out of the way. I also think that accessing these things would be much more inconvienient if the storage I brought didn't have wheels. 

I know that it's all over Pinterest, but seriously, get an IKEA RÅSKOG Utility Cart. I keep my cleaning supplies, snacks, makeup, hair stuff, and so many little things on this cart. It's fully adjustable, so that you can make sure your paper towels will fit on the bottom shelf of it, and it comes in lots of cute colors!

IKEA really has the storage thing down. Check some of their simple file boxes out and look at their desk organization.


Don't make your dorm something that could be in a catalog, add pictures of your family, friends, pets, experiences. If your boyfriend gave you a cute stuffed animal, put it on your bed or desk! 

Your living space is about YOU!

Don't forget your memories, and don't forget to make new ones. I mean, seriously, it only costs like $0.19 to print a picture. 


Make your dorms shine with your personality and taste!

Until next time...

*** More pictures may be added to this post for clarity of content ***